Meet Vitanovae: the story of Co-Liv’s founding partner and its current involvement



How can our shared housing offerings serve the wider good at a societal and individual level?

That is the question that Fabrice Simondi, co-founder of Vitanovae, has been exploring over the last decade.

After founding several companies dedicated to bringing innovation to cities and territories, Fabrice co-founded Vitanovae, France’s first social purpose enterprise within the shared living sector.

Vitanovae’s objective is to create sustainable living spaces that offer affordable living conditions, up to 20% below market rate, while at the same time promoting the interaction between resident and neighborhood communities.

Among others, Vitanovae acts as a creator of shared spaces such as their recent “Patio des Faures” house, enables the development of projects such as the 10,000 square meter project in the city with Chambéry Grand Lac and invests into shared or third spaces across France.

The alignment between Co-Liv and Vitanovae does not stop at the common vision of a sustainable, affordable and life-enhancing living environment.

Fabrice Simondi, cofounder of Co-Liv

Back in 2016, Fabrice was actually one of the co-founders of Co-Liv and brought in Vitanovae as founding partner. Driven by the desire to create an ecosystem of shared living professionals, he served as President of the organization until October 2020 and oversaw its growth, activities and capacities.

Fabrice is currently also serving as Co-Liv Ambassador to France, having hosted several digital and in-person events, such as on the topics of “social housing” and “rural versus urban coliving”.

As of today, Vitanovae is renewing its partnership with Co-Liv. This implies several joint initiatives that Vitanovae will empower over the year to come:

  • Vitanovae and Co-Liv will create a guide on French legal regulations and city policies for coliving operators to better understand the legal circumstances
  • Vitanovae remains a main sponsor of Co-Liv to finance its activities
  • Vitanovae will host the launch event of the Co-Liv book “Art of Coliving” in their work residence entitled “La Maison de la Conversation” (the House of Communication), a place dedicated to the future of communication and interactions between parties
  • And Vitanovae will host several events, especially around the subject of investor and operators relationships, which will among others take place at the upcoming Co-Liv Summit

It is a big honor to count on the support of such an organization and the people behind those.

To learn more about Vitanovae, their shared living projects and how the organization acts as an operator, developer and investor, go to

If you are interested in becoming a Co-Liv partner, developing initiatives and support our global non-profit organization, contact us at



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